Terms and Conditions


1.1.For the purposes of these General Contractual and Business Terms and Conditions, the advertiser shall
(hereinafter also referred to as the “GTC”) means the business of the self-employed entrepreneur J.M.Franjo Casique
ID: 24690864 with registered office at Novovysočanska 2529 Prague 9, 190 00 , which is the administrator of the Internet server www.czescort.com

1.2 For the purposes of these GTC, the Customer is understood to be a natural or legal person
who has ordered the advertisement or other form of presentation from the advertiser.

1.3 For the purposes of these GTC, an advertiser means a person who has created an
advertisement for himself or for another legal or natural person, which the advertiser publishes
according to the order of the customer.

1.4 For the purposes of these GTC, advertising and advertisement means an announcement,
introduction or other presentation aimed at promoting the business activities of the Customer
published by the advertiser on the Internet server www.czescort.com

1.5 For the purposes of presentation, visual materials means non-professional photographs of
persons offering erotic or other services. The advertisement provider reserves the right to decide
on the quality and professionalism of the photographs, and also reserves the right to refuse to
publish professional photographs and to request the Client to send amateur photographs.

1.6 Textual material means a verbal description of the Client’s offers and services in accordance
with the relevant provisions of Czech law. These materials must not include links to external
websites, either in the text itself or as part of the accompanying visual materials.


2.1 All contractual relations between the Client and the Advertising Provider are governed by the
relevant provisions of the Czech legal system, in particular Act No. 89/12012 Coll., the Civil Code,
as amended, Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on Commercial Corporations, as amended, Act No. 40/1995
Coll., on Advertising Regulation, as amended, and Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Information
Society Services.

2.2 The Advertising Provider offers the Client publication of advertising in the form of data space
on the server www.czescort.com in the scope and format as defined in a written or oral order,
contract or other expression of will of the parties. Unless otherwise agreed, advertising means the
publication of text and image materials used to promote the services offered in the form of a
presentation of the company, the individual and one contact telephone number. External internet
links are NOT permitted, both in text and graphic form.

2.3 If the advertisement is created by the customer, he is fully responsible for its content. If the
advertisement was created for the needs of another legal or natural person, the advertiser and the
advertiser are jointly and severally liable for its compliance with the law. The advertiser shall not
be liable for the content of such advertisement.

2.4 The Customer acknowledges that the advertiser is not responsible for the content of the
advertisement or the truthfulness of the data contained in the advertisement and declares that
such data is true and the content of the advertisement is in accordance with the wording of the
relevant provisions of the Czech legal system, in particular with the wording of Act No. 40/1995
Coll., on Advertising Regulation, as amended.

2.5 The Customer emphatically declares that it has all necessary authorisations for the use of
trademarks and/or copyrights for all image and/or text materials used in the ordered

2.6 The Client has stated that it is aware that, pursuant to Section 2(3) of Act No. 40/1995 Coll.,
the advertisement must not be contrary to good morals, in particular it must not contain any
discrimination on the grounds of race, sex or nationality or attack religious or national feelings,

threaten morals in a generally unacceptable manner, lower human dignity, contain elements of
pornographic content, violence or elements using the fear motif, and that the advertisement must
not attack political beliefs.

2.7 The sponsor explicitly states that all individuals depicted or featured in or within the
advertisement are over the age of eighteen.

2.8 The Advertiser shall be required to provide proof of its identity and authority to act on behalf of
the Advertiser if requested by the Broadcaster. The disseminator of the advertisement shall be
obliged to provide information about the advertiser and the creator of the advertisement at the
request of the financial supervisory authorities for the purposes of administrative proceedings.

2.9 The Advertiser undertakes to cover any damage that may arise in connection with the
publication of an advertisement that does not comply with the general requirements.

2.10. The distributor has the right to refuse publication of the advertisement without being obliged
to give a reason.

2.11. The Distributor is entitled to use the text and image materials of the Advertiser on its other
marketing channels.


The Customer declares that it has read these GTC and fully understands their content.

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You must be over 18 years of age to access the website.

  1. I declare that I am over 18 years of age and have reached the required age of majority, or higher ( e.g. 21 years of age), if required by law in my country.
  2. By my conduct, I will prevent any person who is incompetent or underage from accessing the data contained herein.
  3. To confirm that I meet all the age of majority conditions and the possibility of accessing this website.
  4. Declare I am not offended, insulted or threatened in any way by the sexually oriented material.
  5. Acknowledge that all visual and textual material on the site I choose to access is protected by copyright law.
  6. Understand that any distribution of the content or any part thereof without the prior written consent of the site operator is expressly prohibited.
  7. Realize if I violate any of the above provisions, I expose myself to the risk of civil litigation and possible criminal prosecution.
  8. Stipulate that my interest in all data and materials contained herein is purely private and is for my own use and mine.

I have read and agree with the policy.